Analytical and Assay Core
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Analytical and Assay Core
The Analytical and Assay Core is a core facility in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics. Its main goal is to provide support for various radioimmunoassays, enzyme-linked immunoassays (ELISA), molecular and chemical analyses.
We have moved to an online submission management system. Directions for registering with the iLab system and for submitting service requests are located within iLab tab to the left. ALL users (Principle Investigator or Basic User, a member of a PI's research group) must register and set up an account through the iLab site listed above.
However, please be aware that a Principal Investigator must set up their account first and specify the Basic Users that have access to their account. If you are already a user of iLab via another institution, you do not need to register again and you can log into our core system using your already established iLab credentials.
Submissions for the Analytical and Assay Core:
If you have trouble registering for the site, please contact Lizzy Flynn for assistance.
These facilities and services are a resource for the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, UMMC collaborators and other educational and research institutions on a fee-for-service basis.
The specific aims of this core are:
- To provide and ensure uniform methods for collection, labeling, transporting, storage and analysis of biological samples, including plasma, urine and tissues.
- To provide accurate and timely analyses of these samples.
- To provide supervision of commonly used analytical procedures.
- To provide maintenance for equipment used by multiple investigators in different projects in the department and
- To train new personnel in the proper use of the equipment.
- To provide hardware and software for computerized collection and retrieval of data from radiation counters.
- To reduce the expenditure of research funds by bulk purchasing of supplies at discount and by allowing equipment, instruments and facilities to serve multiple investigators.
- To provide expertise and equipment to develop new and improve existing assays.
- To provide personnel needed to ensure compliance with regulations in radiation safety, and handling of blood-borne pathogens and hazardous chemicals.
Elizabeth Flynn, the laboratory manager, has more than 10 years of experience performing radioimmunoassays and other biochemical assays. Dr. Barbara T. Alexander is the overall core leader and coordinates administrative and budgetary components of the core.
Equipment and assays available
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
- Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
- VET AXCEL Chemistry Analyzer
Contact us
Elizabeth Flynn, Laboratory ManagerG475, Guyton Research Center
(601) 984-1825
Fax: (601) 984-1817
External collaboration
We welcome collaboration with external users. Contact us by phone or email.